How Soni Fashion Boosted Their Mobile Revenue by 2x with Vajro

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Mobile App Revenue
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A First-of-its-kind exclusive Fashion Store for men

Co-founded by Shyam Jivnani in the North Indian town of Rajput, Gujarat, Soni Fashion is a store that’s the first of its kind in the part of the country. For the past 20 years, Soni Fashion has reigned as the top men’s fashion store in Gujarat.

After building an unparalleled reputation of being the go-to store for affordable men’s accessories, housing 5000+ products across 40+ categories, Soni Fashion has now expanded its territory, venturing into women’s accessories as well.

With the introduction of the concept of Digital India, and the rise of major mobile network services offering mobile data at much cheaper prices, the number of mobile internet users has multiplied exponentially in just a few years!

Over the course of the pandemic, Shyam witnessed the way online and mobile shopping became a habit among consumers and realized how the world around him was changing. He saw how his own audience was becoming accustomed to mobile shopping, and understood that just selling on Facebook and Instagram or offering a mobile responsive website alone won’t make the cut.

Challenges: Stepping into the Unknown

  • A time-consuming arduous affair

Building an app with a third-party app developer is one of the options merchants tend to go with when they decide to go mobile. However, it usually makes for a tedious process that’s not easy on the pocket, and ends up being a time-consuming affair. Shyam unfortunately had to go through the same with his previous service provider, and was extremely dissatisfied with what he got out of it as well.

  • An Underwhelming Result - A Mobile Optimized Website in place of an app

Soni Fashion’s first stint at developing a mobile app didn’t go as well as Shyam had expected. After going through numerous hoops to find an app developer, he ended up having a poor experience and an app that offered only web view. Frustrated Shyam was back to square-one, in search for an app builder which would be easy to setup and light on the pocket. Soni Fashion’s online store is a one-man show and it was evident that Shyam was time strapped. Hence, finding a good platform that had good customer support was key to him.

  • Driving App Adoption

Soni fashion has a rich legacy of being the only store that caters to men’s fashion for almost 20 years. The store established its online presence almost 4 years ago, and has over 50,000 loyal customers. Getting his customer base to download and use Soni Fashion’s mobile app seemed like a daunting task for Shyam.

Soni Fashion Steps into the World of M-commerce on a High Note

  • Vajro’s Native Mobile App to the Rescue!

Vajro’s mobile app builder comes with a simple design editor and seamless drag-and-drop functionality that makes the app-building process easy. Any need for coding & the long waiting period for the app to be built was taken out of the equation, and this saved a lot of money! Vajro’s team has been providing Soni Fashion with priority support, ensuring that their app runs smoothly!

  • Maximizing App Downloads

Shyam had a simple but effective game plan to drive app adoption - He made sure he had a banner in place on his web store that prompted the users to get Soni Fashion’s mobile app. He got an unprecedented 50,000 users to download and shop using the mobile app in a matter of months! With an enhanced shopping experience and the convenience of shopping any place, any time, Soni Fashion’s loyal patrons embraced the app in no time!

  • Building Credibility with Product Reviews

Shyam understood the kind of impact product reviews and ratings can have on a store’s sales and conversion rates especially for a store like Soni Fashion. Among an array of plugins Vajro hosted, Soni Fashion picked to collect customer feedback & product reviews, and automate review requests for them to reach to their shoppers

  • Driving Conversions with Personalization

Personalization is at the heart of e-commerce in this day and age. Shoppers expect their shopping experience to be personalized to their preferences. Vajro’s integrations with Smart Search & Filter and Personalized Recommendations enabled the store to offer personalized suggestions and recommendations based on users’ searches, purchase history, demography and so much more! The amount of personalization that the store offered enhanced their shoppers’ experience and improved their order values and boosted their conversions!

Impact: A Winning Mobile-first Strategy

Soni Fashion’s mobile revenue grew exponentially in a span of a few months with Vajro. By extensively making use of banners on his website, Shyam drove mobile app adoption among his audience. Soni Fashion witnessed the following since they started using a mobile app:

  • 2x Increase in Mobile Revenue
  • 40% YoY Increase in Total Orders
  • 40% Increase in Online Sessions
  • Mobile App contributes to a whopping 38% of their Overall Revenue
  • Over 90% of their Online Traffic comes from mobile devices
  • 50K+ app downloads in less than 6 months

With Vajro, Soni Fashion has been able to make shopping on the go easier for its users. Vajro’s plugins enabled the store to offer an enhanced mobile shopping experience to an already mobile-ready audience!